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"Misnamed at birth."?


(notice additional material added at the end - 2017 Aug 29 and

2017 Sep 03 and 2018 Jul 07 - - and 2019 Aug 17

- - and 2020 Sep 26 - - and 2021 Apr 05)

It would've been much easier if they had identified Adolf Hitler, René Magritte, Edgar Allan Poe, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in time for me to have explained that to the people at the mental hospital, back in the 1980s.

It is very, very important to be able to ask if your neighbors have seen Robbie or Joey.  They were washing the car, maybe.


This page is going to be a short story how I had complained for a long time how I don't quite know to use my own name.


"Friendly Eagle" is an easy answer for people who want to know if there's a way to find me.  (At first, tribalists had decided to call me "I WAS TOO BUSY GIVING THEM OUT THAT DAY".  Equal use of "EVERY NAME IN THE BOOK" isn't 100% ridiculous.)

I'm not "William" or "Steven" or "Jennifer".  That helps some.

Importantly, you're not supposed to ask Britain to help you call Dr. Enrique Hernandez "Erich D. Flemming".

"Valentine", sadly, turns out to be a name people should only use for academic exercises.

Each of "Velasquez", "Nathanson", "Fiorenza", "Henderson", and "Flores" are arguably correct.

"Fernandez" shouldn't be what to call me if you've translated "Flemming" to "Hernandez" and then "Fernandez".  (Send me back to the Hernandez residence from LAX.)

"Arturo", "Diego", or "Ricardo" would've worked okay.

It's important to be able to use my name if you want to pay me.

Guarantees that "Erich Flemming" is absolutely unique so that policemen can ignore claims that I notice their autonomic effect would be objectionable.  (Laws that are tort apply.)

There's another sort of difficulty here.  There are cultures that refer to me as "Psyche", "Ra", "Horus", "Arjuna", "Say", "Eros", and "Odin".  "Supreme Being" and "Ruler of the Cosmos" are titles.  "EWYK" seems, in a way, about the most obvious visual representation of things like "Eric" that people always call me. Using "RIQUE" (with good answers from recent years and incomplete answers from the past, and a law saying both speaking and writing my name must pass inspection) on the streets of Los Angeles should right-en everything.

"Abigail", "Frank", "Carlos", "Edward", "Kevin", "Maria", "Peter", "Theodore", "Vanessa", and "James" all are other names that I know that people use.  That doesn't have much to do with me.

I've also found one other factor involved in arguing what name it is that people call me by.  It seems that there is honestly a small corner of the world in which some governments will admit that they have a policy to compare to stories about New York saying that they will absolutely refuse to alter a settled typographical spelling of a name like Upton Sinclair or Carlos Santana, and in which governments sometimes are forced to accept the effects of hostile influences.

I'll repeat the part about using my first name ("Erich") or my middle name ("David") after complaining about my parents indulging in my enslavement.  "Arturo" and "Ricardo" sort of seem useable.  Both "Enrique Hernandez" and "Diego Hernandez" glimmer with a hint of normal use on the streets of Los Angeles.  Maybe they'll use "Henry Hernandez" for ridicule.

Running for Governor in California, I'll need to use "Arthur Nathanson" or "Rex Fiorenza" or "Enrique Hernandez" or "Richard Henderson" or "Erich Flemming" all the time, so that people who do library work can easily identify me.

Notices like "I always use the name Enrique and not Diego" are a real possibility for this page.

I've discovered it's pretty normal for me to use "ERICH" for when the name people use for me is to be visually represented.  It's also at least halfway sensible to use "RIQUE" for that.

It seems like I don't have the benefit of the counsel of others to help me with worries that my younger brother (whose name is Kurt) has been known to try to dig around in the biology of our grandparents to assure himself that people figure "his name is my name too" makes it possible to worry me that I think my name is Kurt or that I think his name is Erich.

It had come to my attention that Florence (the city in Italy) is the place where we (anthropologically) know that words get used over again - - an effort to try to say "she sells seashells" and not make any mistakes??

Adding "Zachary" and "Jonathan" to names I'd like to try to use for myself - - belongs sons of mine, maybe?

Thinking about throwing books in the garbage - - I know this to be a rare ability in human beings.  (Think about it.  Maybe it's valuable.  Established used-book-store preparations.  Houses with extra closets.  Etc etc.)

Also needing a short film that's got a drunk talking to somebody while forgetting the old man's name.

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